Protein is an essential micronutrient and usually a topic that’s brought up when you tell people you’re eating plant based. “How will you get your protein if you don’t eat things like eggs?” The answer? Many delicious ways! For your reference, a large, cooked egg has 6 grams of protein. The snacks below have more than that plus a few other key nutrients. Let’s dive in…
A 1/2 cup of walnuts has 9 grams of protein. A 1/2 cup of almonds has 10 grams of protein. Plus they’re filled with healthy fats for energy, brain and heart health and contain zero cholesterol. Always choose raw nuts to avoid unhealthy seed oils.
Unsweetened, dairy free yogurt doesn’t usually have a ton of protein on its own, but add in 3 tablespoons of seeds and you’ve got about 9 grams of protein. Plus hemp seeds are high in magnesium, pumpkin seeds are high in zinc and chia seeds are high in fibre. If plant based yogurt isn’t your thing, add the seeds to your hummus and dip in your favourite veggies.
I cup of cooked edamame has 17 grams of protein! That’s almost as much as 3 eggs. Pick some up in the freezer section (they’re quick & easy to cook) and snack on them on their own or add them to your salad or power bowl.
These snacks are a simple and easy way to get tons of protein + a full package of essential vitamins and nutrients. Enjoy!